Feed Settings

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The settings on this setup page apply to to individual feeds. Some of them override settings on the Global Settings page.

Subfeeds Tab

The Subfeed URLs

multiFEED Premium allows up to nine subfeeds each to be combined with any of the fifty top-level feeds on the front page, for a total of ten feeds per aggregate. The URLs for these feeds can be entered at the bottom of the Feed Settings page. As of multiFEED version 2.2.0 you no longer need to type in the "http://" portion of the URL, as multiFEED will now do it automatically for you if you don't explicitly enter a protocol.

To the left of each URL field is a button. Tapping this will launch FeedFinder to locate and subscribe to a feed.

If subfeeds are defined for a top-level feed, the front page is refreshed according to the top-level feed's refresh schedule only. When that happens, subfeed articles headlines are combined with the ones from the top-level feed, regardless of where the subfeeds are in their own refresh cycle.

Subfeed Settings

To the right of each subfeed URL entry field is a button that allows you to customize the behavior of that subfeed. Tapping this button will open the Subfeed Settings page.

Appearance Tab

Feed Title

multiFEED can obtain a title from the feed itself, but sometimes the publisher's title is not to your liking. Aggregate feeds also require a descriptive title rather than using one from any of the combined feeds. To use the title supplied in this feed by the publisher, leave this field blank, otherwise enter the title of your choice.

Publication Date & Time

This allows you to override the app default setting. The choices are:

Headline Color

Sets the text color of the headlines on the front page, for this feed only. If set to App Default, the default color from the Global Settings page is used, otherwise this setting overrides the application default color. If set to System then the system text color is used, which depends on the color theme multiFEED is set to use. You can pick a text color from the predefined ones in this list, or make your own by choosing Custom and using the color sliders that appear.

Headline Thumbnails

This allows you to override the app default setting. Your choices are:

See Headline Thumbnails for more details.

Note that BlackBerry 10 OS does not recognize a WiFi hotspot connection as WiFi, so if you have this option set to WiFi Only then thumbnails will NOT be shown when connected to a hotspot.

Thumbnail Size

This allows you to override the app default setting.

The actual thumbnail size is dependent on the aspect ratio of the image.

Embedded Thumbnails

This allows you to override the app default setting. Your choices are:

See Headline Thumbnails for more details.

Note that BlackBerry 10 OS does not recognize a WiFi hotspot connection as WiFi, so if you have this option set to WiFi Only then embedded thumbnails will NOT be shown when connected to a hotspot.

General Tab

Strip Headline HTML Tags

Some publishers like to embed HTML tags in their article headlines to define text as bold, italic, etc. At this time multiFEED does not support formatting of headlines this way (future releases MAY support headline tags). Check this box if these tags annoy you and they will be stripped from the headlines on the front page. If checked, multiFEED will remove the following tag pairs from headlines:













Article Body

This drop down tells multiFEED how to display article bodies within multiFEED.

  1. App Default: Use the default display method set on the Global Settings page. This is the default unless changed here.
  2. Embedded: Display the embedded article included in the feed XML. QuickView and Browser buttons on the action bar allow you to download and view the article URL with the respective viewers at any time if you find you need more control for a particular article.
  3. URL (QuickView): Uses QuickView to download and display the article from the URL in the feed XML. QuickView is suitable for most feeds, and shows the article text sooner than the full browser since it doesn't need to launch the browser application, but it does have some limitations. Even if you choose to initially display articles with QuickView you can launch the full browser at any time by tapping the Browser button at the bottom of the QuickView page if you find you need more control for a particular article.
  4. URL (Full Browser): Uses the full BlackBerry browser to download and display the article from the URL in the feed XML. This is the slowest option, and launching the browser disrupts the flow within multiFEED, but if you want more freedom to move about, the ability to add bookmarks, manage downloads, or use BlackBerry 10's terrific Reader mode then this is your best choice.

QuickView Autozoom

This allows you to override the app default setting. Your choices are:


This allows you to override the app default setting. The choices are:

Refresh Interval

Some feeds are updated very rarely or unusually frequently. There is no point in refreshing a feed every ten minutes if it is only updated once a week. multiFEED allows you to override the default refresh interval for individual feeds. Refresh Interval is set differently depending on the OS version on the device:

QuickView UserAgent

Allows you to change the UserAgent string that QuickView mode sends to the article server when loading the article body. If you don't set the UserAgent for a feed explicitly, multiFEED will identify itself with the same UserAgent as the BlackBerry 10 Browser. To override this, either copy or type a valid UserAgent string for another browser/platform into this field yourself, or use the button to the right of the field to pick one from a list of predefined UserAgents. To remove UserAgent spoofing from this feed simply clear this field text.

An example where this is useful is the Slashdot RSS feed. The Slashdot web site does not have alternate URLs for mobile versions of articles, so you can't use URL substitution to retrieve mobile-friendly article pages, but it does recognize when a mobile browser is being used. The problem is that Slashdot does not identify the BlackBerry 10 Browser as mobile, so to get it to return the mobile-formatted article pages you need to change the UserAgent string to impersonate a different browser. The iOS 6 browser works well for this. (Mobile Devices > Devices > Apple (iPhone etc ) > iPhone - iOS 6 - UCWEB8.8)

pubDate Transform

Both the RSS and Atom standards define the format of all dates used in the feed, but some publishers insist on creating their own formats, despite the problems this creates for readers like multiFEED. When it encounters a date in a feed, multiFEED first tries to read it using the standard format for the feed type (RFC822 for RSS or RFC3339 for Atom). If the date can't be read this way, multiFEED will try multiple format variations which have been encountered in the wild. In the case of an Atom feed, some publishers illegally use RFC822 formatted dates, so multiFEED will try to read the date this way too. If none of these methods work the date will be invalid and will display incorrectly on screen, usually with a negative year value.

Before version 2.8.0, there was no way for multiFEED to understand incorrectly formatted dates like this, but now it is possible to transform the date from the feed into a valid date string on the fly. The choices for this setting are:

When pubDate transformation is enabled, two additional fields are displayed where you enter the regular expression match string and transformation string.

Feed Time Zone

The article publication dates and times for RSS and Atom feeds are often problematic. In cases where the appropriate time zone or UTC offset cannot be unambiguously determined from the feed and multiFEED guesses incorrectly, you can ignore the ambiguous zone or offset from the feed and apply a hard offset from UTC.

For instance, let's say you have a feed where the articles are tagged with a publication date/time that claims to use the AST time zone. The problem is that AST is ambiguous since it could refer to either Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04) or Arabia Standard Time (UTC+03). On investigation you determine that the feed is published in Kuwait, which uses Arabia Standard Time all year long. Simply use this drop down to pick UTC Plus... and then set the sliders that appear under the drop down to three hours and zero minutes. Now when the feeds are refreshed any publication date/times found will be assumed to be UTC+03.

Setting the drop down to Default uses the offset determined from the feed, even if guessed incorrectly. If you don't care whether the dates and times displayed on the front page are correct, just that articles be sorted correctly by publication date and time, you can leave this drop down set to Default.

If set to UTC Minus... or UTC Plus... the feed time zone offset is set differently depending on the OS version on the device:

URL Substitution

This allows you to alter the URL for the article body before opening the page, using either simple replacement or RegExp expressions.

Default Notebook

This is the default Remember notebook used when saving an article headline and URL to a Remember note for this feed. If set to None Remember will default to its own default notebook, usually "Unfiled Entries". If set to App Default then multiFEED will use the value from the Global Settings page. The list of available notebooks is read from the system. If you delete a notebook from Remember after setting it for use here, Remember will revert to its own default notebook instead when launched from multiFEED, but will not change this setting to a valid one, you must do that manually.


The list of tags defined here will be automatically attached to Remember notes from this feed. To define multiple tags to be attached to the notes, separate them with commas. (i.e., "Tag 1,Tag 2,Tag 3" )

Any tags specified here will be attached only to articles sent to Remember from this feed.

Warning: While it is possible to save an article to the Remember app using the Share buttons, doing so will not attach any tags set here, even if the notebook type supports them. For this reason it is recommended to always use the Remember buttons when saving an article to a Remember note.

Include Global Tags

If this box is checked then the tags specified for this feed will be appended to the ones defined on the Global Settings page. If unchecked, then these tags will completely replace the ones from the Global Settings page.

Show Errors (in Hub)

This drop down allows you to override the value from the Global Settings page. The choices are:

OS 10.0 and 10.1

OS 10.2+

SSL/TLS Relaxation

This option allows multiFEED to download feed XML from encrypted servers (https://) with self-signed or unknown/untrusted SSL/TLS certificates. Although you can enable SSL/TLS relaxation for all feeds on the Global Settings page, it is strongly recommended that you do it only for the feeds that need it. Your choices are:

See here for more information.


Test Feed URL

Sometimes you will find that a URL you thought pointed to a feed's XML source document points to something else instead, such as the HTML feed subscription page, or it points to the correct location but the XML document is corrupted somehow. These situations will result in XML parsing errors and when troubleshooting them it helps to be able to see the document that is being returned from the URL. To do this open the Feed Settings page for the the feed that is encountering problems and select Test Feed URL from the overflow menu.

The document source for the current feed is downloaded from the server (if possible) and then you are presented with four choices:

    1. View the source as raw text.
    2. Save the source to a local or remote file (anywhere accessible by your device file manager).
    3. eMail the source to arsMOBILIS for assistance.
    4. Discard the source (do nothing).

If you elect to view the source, it is first tested to see if it might be HTML instead of XML (or some other format). If so, you are given the choice of viewing the source as either raw text, or as an HTML page. If you choose the latter, note that only the already downloaded source will be displayed... no images or other downloadable content will be included (although usually placeholder spaces will be shown). Also, any links on the page will be disabled since this view is for URL troubleshooting purposes only.