Global Settings

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Note that the Settings page is only accessible from the Application Menu on the front page of multiFEED. The settings on this setup page apply to all feeds, unless overridden at the individual feed level.

Feeds Tab

The Feed URLs

At the bottom of the Settings page is a list of up to fifty fields to hold the URL of the feeds you want to display in multiFEED. Depending on the version of multiFEED you are using, some of these may be unavailable or have URLs locked in that you cannot change. See Feature Levels for more information. These URLs must refer to the actual feed XML location, not the subscription page on the publisher's web site. See Feed URLs for more information and instructions on populating these fields.

As of multiFEED version 2.2.0 you no longer need to type in the "http://" portion of the URL, as multiFEED will now do it automatically for you if you don't explicitly enter a protocol.

To the left of each URL field is a button. Tapping this will launch FeedFinder to locate and subscribe to a feed.

Feed Reordering

The feed selector drop down on the front page of multiFEED lists the feeds/aggregates in the same order as they are entered on the Settings page. You may wish to change this sequence after feed URLs have been entered, and multiFEED provides an easy way to do it. Simply tap the action menu button (?) at the bottom-right corner of the page and select Reorder. The list of feed URLs switch to "reorder" mode, with an up and a down arrow button to the left of each URL field. Use the buttons to move a feed up or down in the sequence one space each tap. When you are done, either just tap Save on the action menu to return to the front page, or use the action menu again and select the Edit option to end reorder mode and continue editing the feeds.

note: This task may be easier to perform in Landscape mode, if your device supports it.

Per Feed Settings

To the right of each feed URL entry field is a button that allows you to customize the behavior of that feed. Tapping this button will open the Feed Settings page.

Appearance Tab

Color Theme

Lets you override the default color theme for the device. This setting is not available on BlackBerry OS 10.0 since color themes were only introduced with BB 10.1. The choices are:

NOTE: Due to the way BlackBerry 10 handles color themes on OS 10.0 to 10.2.1 changes to this setting will take effect the NEXT time you start multiFEED unless your device is running OS 10.3 or higher. From 10.3 onward changes to this setting affect the display as soon as you save the change.

Display Mode

This drop down allows you to change the way the feeds are displayed on the Front Page.

The choice set here will be the default display mode whenever multiFEED is started. You can also switch between display modes temporarily from the Front Page Context Menu.


On the multiFEED front page, article headlines are grouped by publication date and time. This drop down allows you to choose whether to display the publication time as the local time for your handheld device, or as UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), also known as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This is purely a matter of preference and makes no difference to multiFEED functionality, as all dates are stored internally as UTC.

Publication Date & Time

multiFEED orders and groups articles on the front page in descending order of publication date and time. The default behavior is to insert a narrow header before each group of articles with the same publication date, but you can hide this if you don't want to see it. In Individual Display Mode the feed-specific settings will take effect as you change feeds, but in either of the two All-in-One modes this global setting will always be in force, overriding any feed-level configuration.


Here you can specify a date and time format pattern that changes the way multiFEED displays dates on the front page. The default pattern is "Y-##-dd HH:mm:ssz" which produces an RFC3339 standard date and time which looks like this:

2013-08-15 17:23:35Z

Headline Color

Sets the text color of the headlines on the front page. If set to System then the system text color is used, which depends on the system theme your device uses (Bright theme on Z10, Dark theme on Q5/10 and other OLED devices). You can pick a text color from the predefined ones in this list, or make your own by choosing Custom and using the color sliders that appear. This is the color all the feeds will be displayed with on the front page if they don't override it on the Feed Settings or Subfeed Settings pages.

Headline Thumbnails

Allows you to choose whether to display explicit headline thumbnails. Your choices are:

See Headline Thumbnails for more details.

Note that BlackBerry 10 OS does not recognize a some WiFi hotspot connections as WiFi, so if you have this option set to WiFi Only then thumbnails will NOT be shown when connected to certain hotspots.

Thumbnail Size

The maximum dimensions to use when displaying thumbnails on the front page.

The actual thumbnail size is dependent on the aspect ratio of the image.

Embedded Thumbnails

Allows you to choose whether to convert embedded article images to headline thumbnails. Your choices are:

See Headline Thumbnails for more details.

Note that BlackBerry 10 OS does not recognize a WiFi hotspot connection as WiFi, so if you have this option set to WiFi Only then embedded thumbnails will NOT be shown when connected to a hotspot.

General Tab

Article Body

This drop down tells multiFEED how to display article bodies within multiFEED.

This setting can be overridden for individual feeds and subfeeds.

QuickView Autozoom

Tells multiFEED whether to automatically zoom an article to fit on the screen once it has finished loading in QuickView. Your choices are:


By default multiFEED will refresh each feed at the specified interval. To reduce data usage you can change this behavior globally or per feed. The choices are:

If automatic refreshing is turned off, you can always force a refresh manually. Not that regardless of the Auto-refresh setting all feeds will be retrieved once when multiFEED is started.

Refresh Interval

When multiFEED loads the headlines and articles for a feed it caches them internally, both to prevent too frequent download requests to the feed server, and also so that feeds don't have to be downloaded again every time the user switches the current feed on the front page. All the articles for all the feeds are downloaded when multiFEED is first started, and anytime it's reconfigured with the Settings page. After that, multiFEED waits the amount of time specified by this setting before refreshing the list of articles from the server.

Refresh Interval is set differently depending on the OS version on the device:

If you set the refresh interval to less than ten minutes, the following warning will display under the slider:

Warning: Some feed servers consider very frequent refreshes to be abusive, and may restrict or terminate access.

The recommended minimum refresh interval is 10 minutes.

Since some feeds can be updated very frequently or very rarely, this setting can be overridden for individual feeds and subfeeds if desired.

Default Notebook

This is the default Remember notebook used when saving an article headline and URL to a Remember note. If set to None Remember will default to its own default notebook, usually "Unfiled Entries". The list of available notebooks is read from the system. If you delete a notebook from Remember after setting it for use here, Remember will revert to its own default notebook instead when launched from multiFEED, but will not change this setting to a valid one, you must do that manually. The Default Notebook can also be overridden individually for each feed or subfeed in case you normally save notes for a particular feed in a different location than others.


The BlackBerry Remember app allows you to attach organizational tags to notes. While you can enter custom ones each time you remember an article, you can also use this setting to define one or more tags that are automatically attached to a note when multiFEED launches the Remember app. Note that not all notebook types support tags, so even if you define them here they may not get attached to the note if the notebook you choose doesn't allow them.  Unfortunately, as of BlackBerry OS 1.1, and possibly later, even though Evernote also allows note tags, BlackBerry Remember doesn't sync them with Evernote. Normally, if you try to save a note with tags to a notebook that doesn't support them, Remember will alert you and remove the tags before saving. Due to a quirk in the Remember app however, if multiFEED attaches tags to a note before sending it to Remember, you won't get an alert and the tags won't be removed, unless you change the target notebook before saving. In this situation, Remember will retain the tags with the note, but will NOT sync them with the notebook provider, such as Evernote. If you view the note in Remember you will see the tags, if you look at it in Evernote however the tags will be missing. This appears to be a bug in the Remember app when invoked from another app.

To define multiple tags to be attached to the notes, separate them with commas. (i.e., "Tag 1,Tag 2,Tag 3" )

Any tags specified here will be attached to ALL articles sent to Remember. You can also define tags at the feed and subfeed level that will be appended to the list of tags defined here, or replace them if desired.

Warning: While it is possible to save an article to the Remember app using the Share buttons, doing so will not attach any tags set here, even if the notebook type supports them. For this reason it is recommended to always use the Remember buttons when saving an article to a Remember note.

Cache Thumbnails

Enables/disables caching of thumbnail images which can greatly reduce data usage and improve performance. This feature is only available if you have an SD card installed.

Show Errors (in Hub)

However you configure this setting here you can override it at the individual feed and subfeed level.

OS 10.0 and 10.1

By default multiFEED reports feed connection and communication errors in the BlackBerry 10 Hub, but this can be turned off here. The choices are:

OS 10.2+

By default multiFEED reports feed connection and communication errors in both the BlackBerry 10 Hub and with Instant preview, but this can be changed here. The choices are:

Clear Hub Alerts

Allows you to choose when multiFEED clears any Hub Alerts it has created.

FeedFinder Autozoom

Tells multiFEED whether to automatically zoom pages to fit on the screen once they have finished loading in the FeedFinder. Your choices are:

OAuth Mode

When you choose to use or for Share or Remember shortening you are required to authorize the connection with those services using a web browser. This setting allows you to choose the type of browser to use for this. Your choices are:

Share URL Shortener

Allows you to shorten the URL of articles you share. The choices are:

IMPORTANT: Google has now deprecated their URL shortening service. Existing short URLs will continue to be accessible, but you can no longer create new Google shortened URLs. It is strongly recommended you use UTL shortening instead.

Remember URL Shortener

Allows you to shorten the URL of articles you remember. The choices are:

IMPORTANT: Google has now deprecated their URL shortening service. Existing short URLs will continue to be accessible, but you can no longer create new Google shortened URLs. It is strongly recommended you use UTL shortening instead.

SSL/TLS Relaxation

When checked, this option allows multiFEED to download feed XML from encrypted servers (https://) with self-signed SSL/TLS certificates or those signed by unknown/untrusted Certificate Authorities. If this option is not checked, self-signed/unknown SSL/TLS certificates will prevent multiFEED from downloading the feed XML and an error will be logged in the Hub. Although you can enable SSL/TLS relaxation here for all feeds, it is strongly recommended that you do it only for the feeds that need it. See here for more information.

Database Location

multiFEED maintains a database of articles you have read. Unlike the thumbnail cache, this database file is fairly small and there is no performance hit if you let multiFEED store it in main device FLASH, but if you prefer to limit wear on your internal FLASH memory you can tell multiFEED to store this database on your external SD card instead.


Closing Settings

When you are done you can save your changes and return to the front page by tapping the Save button on the action bar. Any gaps in the list of feed URLs are collapsed during the save so they are all contiguous. Upon return to the front page all the feeds are refreshed from the servers.

Tapping the Close button instead returns to the front page without refreshing the feeds from the servers. If you have made changes to your settings before tapping Close, you are asked to confirm that you wish to discard them. You are offered three choices:

If you attempt to terminate multiFEED with unsaved settings changes you will be asked whether you want to continue and lose your changes or abort the shutdown so you can save your changes before trying again.

Backup and Restore

Tracking down great feeds and getting multiFEED configured just the way you like it can be time consuming. The last thing you want to happen after all that hard work is to lose it all when you change devices or have to reinstall multiFEED. The best defense against this is a recent backup. Backup and Restore can also be used to copy your settings to other BlackBerry 10 devices with multiFEED installed.

multiFEED can save a copy of its configuration file to your device, your Media Card, the Cloud, your desktop or laptop PC (via BlackBerry Link), or anywhere else you have set up your handset to be able to access. If you can see it from the BlackBerry 10 File Manager, you can save your backup to it. For convenience you can easily backup to local storage, but for maximum safety you should save to the Cloud or copy your local backup off the device via USB, WiFi, or BlackBerry Link. Alternately you could save to a Media Card and then remove and store it in a safe place.

To begin a backup open the multiFEED main Settings page, and select Backup from the action bar overflow menu. The default backup file name is "yyyy-mm-dd.mfbkp", where "yyyy-mm-dd" is the current date, but you can change it to anything you prefer before saving. Use the action bar to navigate to the location you wish to save to, then tap the Save button. Alternately you can abort the backup by tapping the Cancel button.

To restore a saved backup, select Restore from the action bar overflow menu. Navigate to the backup file you wish to restore, and tap it. The settings it contains will overwrite the current ones in multiFEED. If the backup was made with an earlier version of multiFEED the settings may be altered slightly to be compatible with the newer version. The restored settings must be explicitly saved after loading from the backup file or they will not take effect.

If you are using multiFEED Standard or Premium your license key is saved in the backup files. If you have to wipe your handset or delete multiFEED, then reinstall, it will initially start back in Trial mode. multiFEED will check BlackBerry World for previous upgrade purchases and automatically reapply them as long as you are using the same BlackBerry ID. If not, restoring a backup containing a valid license key will automatically restore the upgrade without needing to do so via BlackBerry World. Restoring a backup to a different device, however, will not upgrade multiFEED on the new handset since the license key is good only on the device it was created for. In this case you will need to use BlackBerry World with the BlackBerry ID you originally upgraded with to restore your multiFEED upgrade to the handset.

If you encounter difficulties restoring multiFEED upgrades to your device please contact arsMOBILIS support.